Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh, to be five again!

Our son and his wife are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary in Hawaii. We went up to their home tonight to see the kids. A neighbor family is staying with them in their house. Five year old Cam was outside preparing a snack for the birds.

He was so happy with the earthworms and this little caterpillar that he dug up.

I noticed he was wearing brand new socks as he was digging in the garden. I asked him to take them off. I shook some of the dirt off before I realized they would make a great photo for today! LOL!!


  1. I bet his parents will be thrilled when they see that shot...the first one, not the second one. But the second one sure say "all boy" to me! You have the cutest grand kids.

  2. Wow, the sock photo is pretty cool. Very creative.

  3. I agree with the above comment- I was going to say the same thing- he's "All Boy!"

  4. Very creative! I can completely understand this one. My boys' socks never stay white long. :0

  5. that's such a cool shot! i love the bokeh in it too!
