Friday, February 17, 2012


These Crocus are about to bloom. My daughter lived next door until recently. Her house has still not sold, but she has moved. When I saw these Crocus coming up, I thought it would be a nice thing to put a few in a pot and take them to her. She had several beautiful colors there, So I hope these are not all yellow. The green pot is Hibiscus. Last year when they had bloomed in this pot, I just set them in a corner of the flower garden right up next to the house, intending to plant them later. Then they got forgotten, and today, I noticed them growing without having had a drop of moisture in that protected spot. Now, they have been watered and I will enjoy them once again. Too early for any of this...but we literally did not have much of a winter here at all.


  1. Us either. The daffodils are coming up. I hope there isn't a cold snap that kills everything!

  2. What a nice, colorful springtime shot (in the winter)! : )
