Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 147 Feeding the ducks

Becky and I both needed a break today, so we went to Gardner Village to enjoy the fresh air and walk around a little. Rory fed the ducks. They are very friendly and come right up and beg. My camera was on AWB and you can see the coloring on the two photos taken within moments of each other is different. Good example of why we should never let the camera decide anything. I am too tired to fix it. Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Oh what fun!
    Love the second shot!

  2. You're ducks are prettier than our ducks! So, how do you set your WB? Do you use a grey card or have any other trick up your sleeve to share? I always use AWB and lately have had some really horrid shots, but I don't know what to do other than play with some of the dial settings, but even that didn't seem to help in the very yellow frozen yogurt shop we were in the other day.

  3. That second shot is just adorable!

  4. Wow, that duck was really liking Rory! Who wouldn't though. We're going to feed the ducks today :)

  5. Love the second shot- great angle!

  6. How fun! My grandparents used to take my sister and I to feed the ducks. We loved it.
